Tag Archives: desteni

Self Forgiveness on “Submissiveness in The Work Force.”



I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hesitate in the moment when “talking about snow removal” came up.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear mentioning the “snow removal point” to “X”, because I had formed a belief within myself that initially he was not going to do it, and then eventually that I would end up doing it with “Y” or someone else, where in my mind I created an idea that “I would not like it” and that I was “just ‘X’s’s  slave” and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create elaborate and complex ideas within my mind that are NOT the case, instead of simply communicating to ‘X’ or communicating in general rather than forming ideas within my own mind.

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to fear communicating about snow removal with ‘X’.

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to form an idea about “how I am supposed to communicate about business with ‘X’”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear communicating about Business with ‘X’, and I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to form an idea about “how to communicate about business” and within this actually fear communicating about business due to the fear I created around the idea I formed about this, particularly when it comes to discussing or communicating about money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I am not very good at communicating about money or dealing with money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take a “passive role” when it comes to business and money where in I actually place myself within a submissive point and “wait for things to happen”.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place myself within a submissive position within business due to believing that I am inferior in the point of business and also in the point of money and generating money, and therefore I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I am inferior when it comes to dealing with money and making business transactions in relation to money, and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “play the role” of someone where in I actually “act out” my belief of myself as bad with money, through how I participate in conversations around this point.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold back when it comes to communicating about money and business and making important decisions, due to my belief that “I would just get in the way” and that I am doing everyone a favour by “keeping quiet” and “Keeping Submissive”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to regret not communicating to Jason about doing snow removal.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that if I were to communicate about the point of snow removal with Jason that I would in fact inhibit the point or somehow “make it worse”

I forgive myself for not trusting myself within communicating effectively about business and money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand back within my environment due to my accepted and allowed belief that others know better and that I would learn more if I keep quite, observe, and be patient.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to remain submissive within my environment because I do not know how my actions would reverberate within my world and affect my immediate environment or how people would respond to me, and thus rather than actually test this as  a point of assisting and supporting myself to break my pre-programmed design as submissiveness, I simply remained within my pre-programming as submissive because “I know how people will respond” and thus I can in a way Trust this.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “fall-back” on my pre-programming to direct my life for me instead of ME taking responsibility for myself within this world and actually directing myself to become effective within this reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react in nervousness when communicating about snow removal with ‘X’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear working with ‘X’ in the winter due to the Idea that I formed about “How ‘X’ Does Business” and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have assumed how Jason does business, or come to a conclusion within myself how ‘X’does business, and within this resist speaking with Jason about business due to not wanting to face this Idea that I have created about how he does business and within this never actually “break the ice”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that to speak about business is rude.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear making a mistake about speaking or communicating about business due to fear of losing the presentation of myself that I am attempting to project which is “the suave businessman” and so thus never actually engage in Business Discussions due to the fear of the truth of me being revealed in that “I am not so certain and confident and strong within business” that I would like to be.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I must lie to be a good business man

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that communicating about specific details with regards to price and other plans is “not my business” and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself to the “apparent rules of business” even within this being a point that does NOT support me to become a more effective business man within this world, and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear ruffling other peoples feathers and allow this to influence me within my moment to moment interaction / participation as a Businessman within this world.

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to believe that Jason would take advantage of me if I were to “work for him” during the winter.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold back communicating about my price range to ‘X’ because then he would see that there is not a business opportunity to be had and thus would be “let down” and so I held back communicating about the specifics due to “not wanting to make him feel bad within himself”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that “I must have it all figured out” and so within this do not communicate “In the moment” about business as I want to have a script and a plan first, and thus I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to limit myself within believing that I must know what to say, so that I can influence people so that my business will be successful.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I must “influence” people through manipulating them through how I communicate and interact with them, so that my business will be successful, and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “stick to this methodology” instead of being more open and communicative with beings about business.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I must “stay under Jason’s wing”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that Jason is more effective than me within this world where in I do not give myself much credit at all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see and define myself as “X’s employee” where in I, in a way “give up my directive principle” within the point of business and abdicate this to Jason, instead of standing Here Equal to ‘X’, and no more accepting and allowing myself to be Dependant on ‘X’, but that I Stand Here Equal to ‘X’.

I forgive myself for not standing Equal to ‘X’ from the perspective of realizing that I am being Just like him, and we are both in this system, and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit how much money I am able to make to “the skills I have” where in I have formed an IDEA about how much money I am able to make based on my current skill set, instead of simply letting this go and pushing the point of effective money generation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “take-shit” from ‘Z’ due to believing that he and ‘X’ were “Old Friends” and that I must “take my place” within the pecking order.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “play by the rules” of my accepted and allowed programming of “how I see things should work” where in I will take a submissive role to other employees who are older than me, and believe it is more my place to do what others say, and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing this current system to simply play-out as it always has, and also my world to remain as it always has through by “playing by the rules”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “Hold Myself Back” instead of pushing myself full force to become a force within this world and this system, and become a force to be reckoned with.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “play by the rules” of energy as emotions and feelings, where in I stick to the rules of energy as emotions and feelings particularly within the work place, and thus within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to simply always exist in a position to “take orders” instead of taking Directive Point on things.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to just “do what I am told” and “do the minimum” within the belief that “there is nothing I can do” and so what is the point of pushing myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see myself as incapable of being an effective businessman.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within and as polarity relationships as Boss who is God and has all the power and employee who is slave and has no power.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to simply accept this pattern as who I am instead of breaking through this pattern and no more accepting and allowing myself to define myself and believe myself to be who I am as has been created through and as this pattern, because how do I really know who I am if I have always stood in a position of slavery and not had the opportunity to apply myself equally within the workplace.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I must be good at landscaping in order to be successful within it, and within this I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to suppress other skills I have such as communication and creativity to name 2 , instead of using ALL of myself within and as self direction where in I expand me within my creative business enterprises.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define my ability to learn and expand to the skills that I have already acquired and what I have already done,

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as a boss who sees his employees as “less than” and within this not ever see them as anything other than slaves to keep my business going.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as a boss who keeps his employees hostage because I am afraid of one or some of them challenging me within my position and thus never actually give them an opportunity of self empowerment to stand and function equal to and one with me within my ability and effectiveness. This all is a point of Jealousy and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become possessed with Jealousy towards those who I work with and due to this jealousy of them perhaps being better than me, I keep them in a disempowered position so that I can remain in power as made possible through and how the system is set up and function.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear doing business with an open deck out of fear of being manipulated or swindled out of money. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to never help anyone due to believing that I will just get scammed. And as a result of this idea/belief I hold my cards very close to my cheast.

DIP Report: The HERE of the PAST – Doing Mind Constructs

I am going to communicate about an aspect of the Desteni I Process  course that came up today in relation to someone reminding me that one is to “always bring the point back to self”
I have just finished with doing the Mind Construct Phase of in SRA2. This consist of doing Mind Constructs on influential people in ones world. I found within doing this that the “points” always seemed “so far away” this point of the “points” seeming “so far away” was something that came up consistently as I walked through this Mind Construct phase. As I walked this Phase I pushed myself to not accept or allow this to be an excuse/reason/justification to not do the mind constructs but rather to simply keep pushing myself to move the point and not accept this as a valid reason to stop. I remember this point coming up and that I recognized this as an excuse and so when ever it came up I would not “go into it” but rather direct me to continue on (don’t get me wrong – sometimes I had to really push and breath as I would want to give up within this excuse of the points are to far away)
So when this point came up today in Chat, It came in relation to me mentioning that “it would be cool to do Mind Constructs on current points” Though within my mentioning this I was still participating within this aspect of my Mind Construct Experience of the points being “far away” and so wanted a more current experience so that I would not have to “go back into the past” so to speak.
And it was at this point that the reminder came forth that “All the points are here anyway” or something like this, to which I agreed and then in that moment realized a point about this whole experience I had while doing mind constructs and why at times this experience would emerge where “everything seemed so far away” This, coming up due to the fact of doing Mind Constructs on Individuals that were a large part of my life but are not necessarily a part of my life now.
Though this was in essence what I realized – that these people ARE actually still part of my life now! Because through my participation with them I created particular habits that I am in fact still living out, day in and day out, now, here in my life. Even though these certain influential people may be long gone and not in my life any more. They are in fact still in my life as the patterns I still continue to live out in my day to day life that were created in relation to/with these particular beings who I for instance at one time lived closely with and with whom I established, designed, created, embedded particular behaviors and patterns in relation to.
So the point that came up which is a point I can “flagpoint” is when ever I am doing a Mind Construct on someone from the past, to, rather than focus all my attention back there on the past, instead “bring the point here” meaning look and investigate where I am Still Living these EXACT patterns now in my life, that come up and reveal themselves within exploring such past relationships within doing mind constructs.
So I will now take this point into consideration when ever I go “investigating the past” where I look and See, where in my world now am I still living out these same points/ behaviors/patterns

To find out more about the Desteni I Process Please Visit : http://desteniiprocess.com/

My Journey to Desteni – NEW FORUM LAUNCH

We have launched a New Introduction to Desteni Forum for all to participate on. This is the introduction that I have placed on the forum for myself. There are some quite interesting introductions/stories being shared by desteni members sharing how they got to desteni.

Here is the Link to the New Forum So come Join in the Discussions; Enjoy: http://desteni.co.za/intro-forum/

My name is Andrew Gable. When I look at “how I got to desteni” I usually pinpoint this journey to have began about 9 months previous to coming across my first Desteni video on youtube (approx 4 years ago) which was how I was introduced to desteni. So 9 months before this, I saw the movie “The Secret” this opened up what I thought to be very fascinating ‘principles’ that I had not ever articulated to myself in this way before or really ever considered. These ‘principles’ centred around the point of “how we create our reality” and also opened up the point of “positive thinking” and “law of attraction” and that kind of thing. I had before this, was more focused on Practical application and in a way had found this to be quite a secret in itself, where it was more simply common sense and made everything quite straight forward. If I want something to happen in my world, I simply must practically physically direct the necessary points so that it come forth. There was no short cuts or anything like that. I lived my life this way for…well, my whole life. Until I saw the secret that is; and my life and perspective on how to live was flipped upside down.

I thought “Could this be possible” “Could this be the Key I was looking for” “The Secret” “That would make everything just, easier.” I was quite set at that time at being a great and famous artist and was always looking for ways to make my art more effective and make art that was “real and valid” like with some real substance that was actually worth creating and in a way would be an example of how one should go about making art. So this whole “the secret” thing gave me now a fascinating dimension to now test out and possibly this would support my artistic process as well.

So I started applying the material that was being presented by channels and law of attraction gurus and spiritualists, positive thinkers, light workers, etc…and researching all the stuff I could find in relation to this point. I started living in a more “positive way” (apparently) to see if I could attract a more positive successful life where all my desires were/are fulfilled. After all, this is what “The Secret” and much of the information around this point was talking about. So even thought this entire process was somewhat “backwards” to how I lived before, there was certain aspects of it that did make sense and so to test for myself I dedicated myself to this new methodology of living quite full-on. I really wanted to see if this worked, and I was quite in a rush to become an effective human being.

This lead me to find information about channels and angel guides and stuff like this and really for the first time opened up this point in my world. I would go to the library and quietly get out books about ascension and angel guides and channelling and things like this. I kept this to myself as I thought that people would think I am crazy if I actually believed in this stuff. But I found the “information” being presented through channels to at times be quite specific and not something that one would normally find in the majority of the books in this world. At least this is what I believed based on my life experience.

I lived with my girlfriend at the time and would share what I was finding with her but she was not as interested as I was in this kind of “spiritual stuff” Though her friends were more spiritual and into the whole love and light thing which was basically what I was “getting into” So I bit off a big chuck and went for it, and started speaking about positive thinking and love, though was determined also to test out this stuff and get Actual Results so I could be satisfied that this stuff indeed works.

Nothing ever worked for me, and I continued to apply and research this stuff for 9 months extensively. I remember at one point I was literally doing nothing but meditating and sitting and staring at my wall because this is what the material was implying that I should do. After all, I did not want to “impose myself on the Universe or God” and so I was busy “Allowing” for all the good stuff, and my desires and so forth to “come to me” So basically I was in the process of placing the entirety of me and my self responsibility into the hands of God or the Universe or my Angel Guides or some energy beings. I saw that if I could for instance channel that this would make my life more worthy and interesting and valid.

But my life was changing during this period. I became less active in art and was kind of faced with the harsh reality of not really being as successful as I thought I would be then with art. This was a difficult pill to swallow, and in a way I was really questioning my life’s purpose. That was really the first time in my life that I started to experience a type of depression. When you Here channelled stuff for the first time, it is all about finally arriving in the right place, and you are now here to do your true work, and you have made it so far and you are special so I mean I kind of saw myself as being special already, lol, though this was not coming through in the art, otherwise I would have been getting rich by now or something. So in a way this channelled material still supported my idea of myself as being special and unique and worthy so I went right into it. Like I said, it was so backwards to how I lived my life up to that point, focusing on the more practical physical reality as the key to “getting things done” and the secret to creativity. What this new material was telling me was “I put to much emphasis on doing, and not enough on thinking and imagining”

There was one instance while I was painting where I was integrating this new approach to my life where in attempting to only allow positive feelings within me so that I would create a positive painting and in this way I could ensure that the artwork would be supportive and have some real substance to it. But I noticed one startling point. That in fact I was often angry, frustrated, and miserable. So the one cool aspect that “The Secret” did support in bringing forth is where for the first time I began to look “inward” in a way that I had not before, and notice all this different types of feelings and emotions moving around inside of me. And that for someone trying to be happy, it sure was difficult. How was it possible that I was so angry inside me and not all the time positive.

After 9 months of trying to figure this stuff out, where at that stage I had really isolated myself from people in my world and was exploring this new spiritual ethereal world that I was now finding out about I came across my first Desteni Video.

I ended up on the website asking questions about a week or two after finding the website. I remember after having watched some videos I actually sent a message “asking for help” I do not remember the exact context, but I do remember I blatantly asked for help….lol. I had never done that before in my life, let alone to a stranger on the internet that I had only gotten to know through videos.

I then proceeded the following months to keep track of the daily videos they were putting out and basically watching and studying every video and reading all the documents (extensive amounts of reading) And I also started exploring Self Forgiveness and Breathing and Writing and things like this. My Relationship of 8 years also came to a close around that time, so basically was at home allot alone, with a part-time job just researching Desteni stuff Full, On. From what I could see, there was nothing else really as valid as participating with Desteni, based on what they stood for, which is ultimately bringing forth a world that is actually a cool place for all to live and express, and putting an end to fear, and abuse and the ignorance of man.

So in a way what happened when I found desteni is my life did another “flip” and went full circle in a way, back to how I previously looked at and considered the world, from the perspective of a more direct practical application in terms of how to effectively live in this world.

After about a year of participating I was invited to go and visit the farm. A few people were already invited and I really wanted to go to but felt it was something that I would have to be invited to go and so I never asked straight forward if I could go but waited patiently until I was invited. I was very “pleased” ie: An instant inner smile that didn’t stop for days – lol. And so I went to the farm to learn more about these principles and basically how to be more effective in applying myself in relation to what was being presented on the website.

Why do I stand for Equal Money and World Equality.

Initially I did not fully understand the words spoken in the same way that I do now. But in truth it was the simple aspects of Desteni that enabled me to know within myself immediately that I would stand with this group and that I agreed absolutely with everything being said; basically, where do I sign up! Points such as self honesty, and not lying, and how people do not really express themselves and that everybody was fake. And showing how we as human beings are actually experiencing ourselves inside. I loved it because the way everything was broken down so extensively was fantasitic. Desteni really ripped apart everything and exposed the deception and lies of this world and human beings. Basically showing how everything was lie. Not just by saying “its a lie” and that was that, but actually explaining how it worked so that I could in fact see for myself in the words that were being spoken, like as I read and watch the videos, I actually have realizations like “oh shit – thats so true” or “fuck – I never noticed that before” and so I started to explore myself in relation to what was being presented. Eventually after some while I began to understand some of the principles that were being presented, like the principle of “What is Best for ALL” where initially it was like “the entire presentation” in a way it was not only the message that was being spoken through the portal, but what was being implied in the words and just the whole thing in how it was being presented but not necessarily being spoken. Like reading between the lines. I mean fuck, the implication of a portal being able to have any point in existence come through and communicate, from rocks to other beings, to animals. This in a strange way, was my proof. I could see that this was an “Honest Expression” and that the communication had so much “self presence” I could not get over this point, I was fascinated by it. And would sit there thinking. I want that! I wanted to be as confident as the beings coming through the portal and communicating. They did not appear to be self conscious at all. They were just expressing themselves and there as a certain innocence to this and this was my proof. Proof that what ever it was that they were communicating about was real, and thus I will take it upon myself to investigate what is being said. So yes I did understand what was being spoken, but it was also how it was being spoken that in a way validated for me. An expression that was not self-conscious.

What you understand to be “Heaven on Earth”

Heaven on Earth is up to us. It is a point which we as humanity create and are creating in this very moment and have always been creating for ourselves as the world we live in, as our environment. But we have created a mess of this world because of who we are inside of ourselves which ultimately will be exactly what we create. Thus we end up with starvation, with war, with poverty, rape, murder, animal abuse, due to, not “some outside force guiding and directing us” but due to the fact that we are within ourselves, quite ignorant, cruel, greedy, egotistical and self interested.

So to create Heaven on Earth is actually quite simplistic. We simply must change who we are, to beings that truly care, that support life, that stand always within the starting point of what is best for all. If ALL beings on earth, truly stand within the starting point of what is best for all, then the outflow of our participation here on earth will result in a world and environment of what is best for all. And that would be fucking cool to see how that would be.

So Heaven on Earth is not some pie in the sky concept of creating a utopia of angels and gods floating around on clouds like what you see in movies or pictures. It is simply a practical reality that we create, structure, build here on earth as earth where we create a system/world that is as “Heaven” so to speak.

The statement of “Heaven on Earth” assist as a statement to bring forth the point of us actually being able to create this earth into Heaven. I mean most of understand what “Heaven” is and imagine that if one ended up in heaven that they would finally be at peace, and fulfilled and content and all that stuff. Well the point is that we practically create that HERE for ourselves. I mean why not Create ALL of Existence Everywhere into Heaven, so that no matter where one is, one is living in a Heaven. Thus, We begin Here where we stand, in creating Heaven on Earth. I mean obviously our current money system in no way reflect heaven. The fact that millions are dying in starvation on this planet indicate that we are not in heaven. Or at least a very fucked up one. The point is to be able to Roam Free on this planet, and no matter where one goes, one is still in Heaven. Thus we must start with the basics that are not yet accounted for; like make sure each one on the planet as the basics such as food, water, shelter, etc. And that it is unacceptable that some would live in massive houses with tennis courts and endless food and others live in Huts and just enough food so that they do not die. It is quite plain to see that this is not fair for everyone.

Thus ALL must have access to this heaven. Thus Heaven on earth is a Directive Point for us to begin creating for ourselves. It is like we have lost our way as Humanity and thus require some sign posts to get us pointed back in the right direction so that we are actually living and expressing ourselves of LIFE. So Heaven on Earth is a practical directive and is a point we create here on earth, just the same that we have created our current world/system. We do it practically, brick by brick, breath by breath. If we allow greed to direct our decisions and self interest, what do you think we will end up with. Thus we must also transform ourselves as we have been living a long time in our current system of abuse and thus have accepted it as the only way to be and who we are. We literally must transform our nature where we take Self Responsibility for ourselves and no more accept and allow ourselves to abuse and live in self interest.

The only think stopping us from creating heaven on earth is ourselves. Because we have never created it. Because we have believed we are not capable of it. But I see that we are able to create and express ourselves in ways we are not yet aware of, though we will get to that once the basic foundation of heaven on earth is in place. That being the common sense points that all beings should have access to food, shelter, education, and the basic developmental points required for the creation of effective human beings. This is Now being proposed by Desteni as the Equal Money System which is a Money System that Provide for ALL beings on Earth so that ALL can live in abundance. It is a Money System that we as humanity must decide if we want to go that route or not. Where we either go the route of the equal money system where ALL beings within an equal money system will live the lifestyles of millionaires and have all the necessities of life provided, and we can thus take on the practical process of creating our own heaven and continue existing here on earth as Equals and Begins that actually respect LIFE, or we can continue as we are going now with wars and abuse and likely end up destroying ourselves so that humans no longer exist on earth.

Obviously I stand in Support of an Equal Money System and World Equality. We fucked up and we must get back to square one and start over again with a system that take into consideration ALL Life equally so that we do not perpetuate a world/system leave millions neglected. But rather create a world/ system of equality that take into consideration as the starting point, ALL beings Equally. and thus in its functionality is able to Support ALL Beings Equally.



Writing Yourself To Freedom – How this has Supported Me.

Since I started participating with Desteni, I have written extensively. This began initially on the forums where I would ask questions and communicate with those on the forums. It was there on the forums where I started to develop my writing ability.

My specialty was certainly not writing, though I enjoyed writing and before desteni would also write in a journal as I found the process of writing to be quite creative similar to how doing art work is.

So eventually the point of “Writing Yourself to Freedom” was introduced and it was likely around this time as well that we started opening up blogs and blogging about our experiences.

I remember being amazed as I would write about my life as I never did this before where I would simply write about my past and my experience and also just explore various different ways of writing and even simply pushing myself to blog about what I was experiencing in any given moment. Through this I started to develop the ability to investigate myself and explore myself in writing. Yes I had been busy doing this already but with the point of “Writing Yourself to Freedom” and in general the focus on writing with Desteni, I began to expand this point for myself and enjoyed the experience of doing so.

I became more effective in writing through writing myself to freedom than I did in 4 years of college – And this I found to be quite fascinating. Of course my history of writing supported me in what I was now doing with writing and participating with Desteni, but I actually started to experience myself expanding in my writing and even become better at spelling and more free and effective in my writing for the first time in a long time. One of the central points I see as to why my writing application in participation with Desteni was effective and supportive and expansive, is because “Writing Yourself to Freedom”  is/was not so regimented and controlled like you find in college or university where you ‘must’ follow the rules and make the careful correct arguments about a selected topic. This is cool also, though what I found is that with Desteni it was like all the shackles where let off, and the point was simple. WRITE! It was not about being perfect or correct and this allowed me to let go of self judgement in relation to my writing and just let the words flow. There was not, “this is what you are supposed to do, or have to do”, though there Were many examples of writing to take as a guideline if you required.

I mean writing with Desteni and “Writing Yourself to Freedom” was/is more flowing where I did not have to try to make everything perfect and correct but that I could just write and express myself and it was much more free flowing. Strangely enough, the structure and grammer and spelling and things like this eventually just started to develop, though still much work to do here on this point for myself to become effective with the specifics of writing and the proper way of writing which is simply just another aspect and point to develop, and not “the only point” being considered acceptable which is what I found in school.

So there is not only one way to “Write Yourself to Freedom” it really encompass everything. At least that is how I categorize the “Writing Yourself to Freedom” point. Is that it is basically “Everything” we are doing with Desteni, particularly because desteni is very much internet based so even learning to link effectively and do vlogs and tagging and descriptions for videos and chatting and forums and answering e-mails and ratings – All this is “Writing Yourself to Freedom” in a way as it is all tools which develop one effectively so that we become effective in the necessary points which eventually will be essential in the bringing forth of the Equal Money System which is in one way an ultimate point of Actual Freedom for all and then when the Equal Money System is Implemented we will have practically Written Ourselves to Freedom.

So those are just a few points related to my experience of writing myself freedom with Desteni. I write nearly everyday. It is rare that there is a day that I do not write. Sometimes on paper with a pen, sometimes on the computer. Sometimes a blog, or an insight, or a question, or self forgiveness, or reporting on world events, or an e-mail, or observations, anything and all things.

This point has even assisted me in becoming more effective in my daily life where I used to experience myself as limited in my writing where now I see that writing is no more holding me back like how I previously experienced myself in relation to it but has become a point that I am more confident in. Even though I do see still lots of room for improvement and development, I have much more trust in my ability to write as a point which is now to-my-advantage than my disadvantage, and this has been another cool aspect of the “Writing Yourself to Freedom” point with Desteni. That when I steady my hand getting ready to jot down some notes or take a phone message for someone, or for that matter even text my boss, or co-workers about work related stuff that I am confident in my ability and now actually Enjoy these scenarios instead of dreading them or trying to avoid them like before. Now I actually even look for these moments/opportunities as I see I am much more effective in my written communication than before and it has now become a point which make my participation in this world more effective and stronger. Thus I would recommend to everyone to give “Writing Yourself To Freedom” a shot.

Desteni Main Site – http://www.desteni.co.za

DIP Website – http://www.desteniiprocess.com

Blogging and Vlolgging Sharing Self Realizations – http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_10080524250

Make Money Doing What you Love with Desteni I Process

Take my time, and start from the beginning: Applying Self Forgiveness on Mind Constructs.

Take my time, and start from the beginning: Applying Self Forgiveness on Mind Constructs.

So I am busy with the “Mind Construct” portion of SRA, and just going to mention a point that came up today. I was starting into the Self Forgiveness portion of the mind construct and I was experiencing it as if I could just not get a handle on the Self Forgiveness. I experienced the whole thing (mind construct) as being “out there” still and seemed so far away, like I could not get a hold of it and really get “in there” and start forgiving and letting go of points. I though this might have to do with maybe I simply am clear on the particular memory I worked with. But I could not ignore this experience I was having that “I was missing something” where the forgiveness just seemed empty, monotonous, and dead, like I was just repeating knowledge and information.

I have tested a few different ways of writing Self Forgiveness with regards to Mind Constructs from going line by line of the construct to doing it in sections and have not yet found a certain method that works every time. So my experience this morning was that I was a bit lost and not really getting a grasp on any points.

I worked through a few points and still experienced myself as if “something was not there” I then got “fed up” and decided to go back to the beginning where I started and simply now for real apply Self Forgiveness on each line, and make sure I am not skipping through points, as earlier I was grouping sections together then applying the Self Forgiveness on the entire section. I thought that I had everything covered but was quite cool to see that when I went back to the beginning and decided I would “do every point” that I came across a point, which was the very first on that I had skipped over and not considered as valid, and as I started with this point I found that my experience of myself within the Self Forgiveness was actually now valid, like I was “on a point”

So I am going to continue in this fashion and walk through each segment of my mind construct slowly and more thoroughly now moving on a line by line basis instead of section by section. This way also I can be comfortable within myself that I did not skip over anything and that then this will not be lingering in the back of my mind as I ‘attempt’ to move through the mind construct.

Ok so there is my introduction to this Blog where I will share my experiences within walking the Desteni I Process, where I share my experience of me actually “using the product”

